Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friendly, frightening Frim

During our field trip to Frim it was very frightening and friendly at the same time. There where four activities that we did but the one that I am focusing on is the humanities activity. The humanities activity was based on the Hunger Games by Susan Collins. We had to survive. The teachers where the Capitol and the rest of us where set into districts. This was very intense because the teacher where the Capitol and they didn't describe much about what we where going to do. Since we couldn't disturb the Capitol it was hard to ask question.

First off we had a list and we needed to choose 5 items from the list. We where aloud to choose five items and the items my groups chose was a first aid kit, matches, mossy net, compass and the camping crockery. We needed these 5 items to survive and we needed to compete for the item, since they where only one item in the Capitol. We needed the first aid kit incase anyone got hurt, a match to lit up fire, a mossy net to protect us from critters, a compass to know where we are if we got lost in other districts trying to fight, and a camping crockery to use it for utensils to cook. However most of us did not get all our items because other groups where faster. When we didn't get all ur items I felt destroyed inside because my group didn't know what do use it for, so we had to create a new idea for the new items we got and I felt relieved that we could work with the items we got even though it wasn't the ones we want. We got a frisbee, tarp and a tissue box. We decided to use the frisbee for a shield or throwing it at someone, my group decides to use the tarp to protect us if it rained at night and we use the tissue box to wipe of blood off our enemies so later on we could eat them for food.

After we got our items we needed to choose where our district would be. The capitol gave us instructions what we needed to do but it was not clear because everyone was in a rush. Once we got to our district, my group seted up for our drama activity that took time. When we heard we needed to dance and sing our group quickly got an idea but then it failed because some of the group members did not like the idea. Then we decided to sing, " We are the Champions " and all the members of our district like the song and the dance moves. It was hard to get the dance move right when suddenly the Capitol came to ask us what we used the item we got for. Then we needed to dance and sing. Once we started singing and dancing after a while the Capitol told us to stop and we felt confused because we where not done. After our performance the Capitol gave us 2 items because they where impress with our performance. They gave us fettel seed which could heal people and an invisible bag where we could sneak up on other groups with.

The dangers in our district would be the enemies at night because we could see all the district but where our district where we could attack on only one, since we where behind a tree so my group got protected by the big tree. Since our district decided to build our district on top it was not bad because when it was raining the water would not drown us since we where not very low since the forest was slanted and we went on top. Another danger was the trees because many of our enemies could hide behind the trees since we where in a forest and sneak up on us and kill us. If the enemies killed us we could not be able to keep our district safe because other group would have taken over our district.

What I would have wish for if I needed more protection for my district. I would have wish for weapons or a rope because if we had weapons such as a knife, shield, etc . This would have helped us because if an enemies came or we went to another district we could have just taken our weapons and started killing them if they where attacking them. I also would have wished for a rope because we could tie it on a branche on top of the tree then we could have slept on top of the tree and watch our enemies from the tree because we could use the rope to build a ladder or just use the rope. The strength that I used to participate in my group was being the thinker and helping other what we could have use the items we got for. Another strength I used was participating because even though I thought some of the move we did where not my type of move I did it anyways because I wanted to participate and not be the sour loser.

The connections I had with the book the Hunger Games is knowing how Katniss felt when she was being watch by other Districts and other people. I felt another connection with the book and Katniss because of surviving in the forest and becoming a District and working with others. If we where really playing the Hunger Game I think it would be hard and tough and I would have felt like Katniss, frightened and scared. During our group and how we didn't choose our group I didn't feel bad about it because I knew we needed to work and at least get something done. Even though my group was very loud I didn't care because I knew the people in my group would work.

What I learned about nature is that we should care about it and the organism around us. This is because if we don't many of the rare organisms might be extinct and we would not be able to see it. When we went on the night hike it was very beautiful because you can hear, see and smell nature. You can hear the sounds of the birds, chirping and the monkey's screeching. The natural organism you could see where the tree that never touch each other and the dragonfly that looked like a caterpillar with glow in the dark eyes. Finally what you could smell was the Latex that the guild burnt to let us smell which to me smelled like rubber.

I things that I learnt about myself is how much effort I put into caring about nature, myself and others around me. The SLR's I used to learn about myself are think creatively, communicate effectively, and collaborate constructively. I think I did all of these SLR's because I think creatively by helping my group in the humanities activity, to help what we used the items for, communicate effectively with my group when we went hiking and with the humanities activity and finally collaborate constructively to keep a positive attitude with the teachers and the students.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mystery Letter

If I had to choose a title for this story I would call it Stones because in the beginning of the story it says how the kids where picking up stones. Also from the start it talk about stone and toward the end it was also talking about stones and how people where getting them off the ground.

What I thought was going to happen in the story was Mrs. Hutchinson was going to go some where. I thought of this because in my mind it led me to think of the Hunger Games and how her name was chosen out of the box/ bowl. This leads to the short story and the Hunger games because both deals with Drawing something. In the short story the clue that gave me to think of this was when Mrs Hutchinson says, " I think we ought to start over." because it says that since one of her family member chose something with the black dot it could be something bad and she wants to start over cause she doesn't want her family to be chosen the second time.

Toward the end of the story I felt curious because I wanted to know what would happen next and if the women died or was somewhere else. Another reason why I felt curious was also the author left many mysteries in the story for us to think and it is curious if the clues to the ending is in the beginning or end. When the last sentence of her speaking was said out I thought about how curious everyone was.

When I was handed the mystery paper I felt frightened and interested what it might be. I felt frightened because i didn't know why some people had the black dot on there paper and others didn't. The reason why I felt curious was because we could open the paper until we got home which we still had one period left before school ended. In the mysterious paper I thought that we where suppose to create a short paragraph and finish the ending because the ending wasn't finish and I thought we where suppose to finish it. Through the whole instructions Ms. Psillides told us not to open it I did what she said because I thought if we where going to write an ending there could be different topics for each person to follow, so if we open it at school people could see. I followed the instruction given.

I felt nervous about the black box and the black spot/ blank paper because they says that some places has already stop the traditions while other have not. I felt that the man who got the paper and was holding it in there hands where nervous so I felt nervous how the man could not look at there paper until Mr. Summer says everyone open. When the story kept on going on I still felt nervous because I thought what where they going to do to the family or what where they going to do the Mrs. Hutchinson who had the black spot.

When I read the end of the story I felt horrified because the women Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a clear space with people from her village crowding around her will stones. Another reason why i felt horrified was because someone hit the side of her head and I thought she might die knowing that her life might be over. Lastly what made me feel s horrifying was the last sentence she said before the story ended. Tessie Hutchinson said, " It isn't fair, it isn't right." this made me think that they might do to her and this is why I felt horrified.

I think part of my predictions where correct because I thought if I where the people what would I be doing with the stones and a person in the center of a clear space and everyone crowded. I though in the other person piont of view and so some of my prediction where right when I talked thinking the the other person view. I felt good that the prediction I thought could be half correct or half wrong, I don't know because there is no right answer but yourselfs.
I think what would have helped alot to make the story better was thier charecteristics and the theme of the story. The charecteristic might be important because then you know how the person act and you can see the information about them and what is there job, hobbies, etc. Also for the theme of the short story might help is because then you would know where the story is going instead of all the mysteries behind the detailed clues the author gives us.

I think the author left these voids in this experience because she wanted us to be guessing to see the whole picture from our point of view and not hers. The author Shirley Jackson made us think about what would happen instead of just given us the whole story she gave us clues to find out the experience the women might have toward the end.

The void is left for us to be thinking of :
a. No title- The mystery to let us read the short story first then think of what we would name it if it was us.
b. No ending- To keep us guessing what would happen next if it would be a terrible problem or a great problem.
c. Text clues and foreshadowing throughout- To let us think of the smaller details and how it could help us explain the titles, ending, etc.
d. Mystery paper- To keep us curious about reading and why some of the papers have dots and others didn't.
e. Delayed ending- To let us wanting to know more and see if our predictioons are right what where predicting.
f. Anything else that created tension and conflict for you...- The mood and how the conflict can go from fustrated to happy to excited, etc.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dominant Profile F

1. I learn best when I visually focus on the details of information. I tend to analyze the information to get a better understanding. When looking at the information the structured I go in is orderly sequence (1,2,3), this is because I like visual the details in order to learn. Since I tend to listen with my left ear I most likely would sit in the front on the rights side because I would feel more comfortable. Knowing now that I am comfortable sitting on the right and not the left it makes me know how I can focus.

2. I need to start doodling when I am listening to the teacher. This is because if I focus on the information the teacher is given me I tend to lose focus on what they are talking about, but when I am doodling it helps me concentrates sometimes. Doodling will only help me sometimes but other times I would be listening. Since I am kinaesthetic I tend to want to move around or explore instead of sitting in my chair.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning is using Brain gym such as the exercise Thinking Caps. This will help me become relax when under stress. When I am under stress I can not communicate or listen. Through learning my profile F the strategies that will also help is reading out loud so I can memorize the information in my head. This is because if I tend to read in my head I might forget what happen in the first page. When listening to music I might look for the lyrics and start singing. These activities and strategies might help me become better if I’m under stress or just need to memorize.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me is when I am relaxed with nothing on my mind I may be emotional or physically expressive. Another thing to know about me is that I sometimes may see the details but have difficulty remembering them when I need to write the details in an organized manner.