Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bringing Peace Together On One Day

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
This quote talks about peace, and how it encourages us to believe in peace without war and conflict. This demonstrates the freedom in people and how everyone will live a happier and healthier life with peace in the world. Peace helps us become a better person through the years. This creates everyone to become equal in the world for one day. I believe peace is worth being fought for.

On September 21st, 1999 was the day the United Nations (UN) declared peace day as an international day around the world. On this day, peace will bring closer each nation for just one day. 'Peace One Day' was founded by a film-maker named Jeremy Gilley. He created this day to promote equality, and non violence. He thought that the world did not have enough peace to contribute to the world. He also demonstrated peace to encourages others because he believe this will help our nation. This encourages people around the nation to consider the fact that peace is everywhere and it is our job to make it happen everyday and not only on September 21st every year. 

Jeremy Gilley goal was to make a difference in the world, he was idealistic and the impetus of change toward our world. He stood up towards the nation and made a difference. The reason peace is important to fight for is because many places in Asia are fighting and having war. For example, when war starts what happens to all the children and women when men are out fighting? This day helps us to stop and think about the future and how it will affect us, especially the future children. Peace helps us to consider how there will be no violence and war and everyone will put down their weapons for a least one day and hopefully realize how better the world is with love and compassion. Love and compassion lets us figure out what helps us encourage peace and become humane.  One example, Jeremy Gilley did was he went around the world first to interview others on what they think about having 'Peace' for one day means to them. When he got many different answers, since they were listening to the popele on there ideas, it helped him realize what he needed to do. Peace gives us hope for the future to make it better for others. 

As Jeremy Gilley believes in peace he encourages others to promote peace. The Coca Cola Company, and Puma AG collaborated and help to continue money for awarenesses. Just on one day in the world it allows us to reach out to the children who are dying and hungry in the world and help them by donating and making a difference in our life to help others. Going back to the quote, it makes me realize that by helping others it will make a difference, just by setting a goal for ourselves. 

Jeremy Gilley went on a journey, not only for peace but to also help others. In 2006, there was a life saving activity that helped other countries in the world with starvation. On Peace Day the World Food Programme donated 30 tonnes of food to Southern Sudan, to help them. This created big change on September 21st, not only did many people participate but it was going around internationally and being spread around through different cities. Although many people are helping the world become a better place, Jeremy Gilley is also going to schools and helping children understand the meaning of peace and how we can make a difference through the future. 

As peace brings people closer together it also helps us. It helps us to understand and have power and control on life and our future. Without peace our world will become corrupted and have wars every time. With peace it gives us a better understanding to put away our guns and fustration and just live a day with a soul for our family and friends. Just by doing very little for yourself on Peace Day you can accomplish anything.  

1 comment:

  1. I can see that you believe strongly in standing up for peace one day. Your writing is like. AMAZING. :O And your picture for this is nice, because it realtes to your topic. The quote by Mother Theresa is good too. It really shows that your going to write about.
